The Global Risk Management Consultancy

Mining & Aggregates


MacIvor Grant has been retained by a mining investment group to undertake due diligence on existing concession areas involving the statutory position, legalities, areas of exposure, title and the geological structure of an existing mine in a hostile environment. The company was subsequently instructed to prioject manage the operations, security and facilities management on behalf of the client.

United Kingdom

During an 18 month commitment with an aggregates company, based at their quarry in the Southwest, MacIvor Grant assisted in steering the company through a period of intense pressure group interest and direct action. The scope of work completed is outlined below.

  • Carry out initial risk assessment and prepare and present Asset Protection/ Loss Prevention report.
  • Specify, source and oversee installation of CCTV system/alarm system.
  • Specify, source and manage contract guard force.
  • Day to day on site security management.
  • Advising client management on issues related to protestor activity.
  • Liaison with local police, special branch, PR consultants and local government agencies.
  • Monitoring protestor activities.
  • Preparing comprehensive data in relation to protestor activities.
  • Liaison with Crown Prosecution Service in preparation of evidence for court.
  • Management and control of security budget.

At the end of this assignment the quarry management were equipped and experienced to manage their own resources and to continue unaided with the new security systems in place.

For Further Information:
Tel + 44 (0) 1527 758112 (UK) or + 1 713 914 8015 (US), Email or click here to enquire online.